Europol has proposed solutions to address some of the challenges posed by privacy-enhancing technologies found in Home Routing, which pose a challenge for law enforcement agencies in intercepting communications during criminal investigations as a result of these technologies. There was a previous report by the agency in its Digital Challenges series in which it discussed the difficulty of gathering admissible evidence during investigations due to end-to-end encryption on communication platforms.
This is the name given to an in-home routing system used by telecommunications companies to allow customers to send traffic to their home network, from calls, messages, and internet data, even when they are away from home. In a new report that was published by the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security, it was examined how users can uphold citizens’ privacy while simultaneously facilitating criminal investigations and prosecutions.
There is no doubt that encryption is one of the most important means by which private communications may be protected. Meanwhile, it is also conducive to allowing threat actors to always remain hidden from the eyes of law enforcement to carry out their malicious activities. Companies must understand the needs, challenges, and priorities of their stakeholders within the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) community to take the necessary measures to preserve the fundamental rights of the citizens of Europe while maintaining a
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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