Mousetrapping works in the identical way that a traditional mousetrap does: you unknowingly walk into a trap designed to keep you trapped for as long as possible. Operators who utilize mousetraps actively market their products or services. They may even attempt to steal your personal details. So, how do you know when you’ve stepped into a trap?
Mousetrapping is an unethical practice used by some website operators to keep you on their site for longer than necessary. It is a technique that traps you in an endless loop of pages and pop-ups, preventing you from leaving a website.
Some operators will even open the new page you’ve been redirected to in a new window. You can’t access the taskbar, toolbar, or browser menu while in this window, making it difficult to close. These websites may even deactivate the web browser’s back or exit buttons, trapping you on the page until you exit the browser. In such cases, the only actionable buttons that work are those in pop-ups that force you to perform whatever action the website owner dictates.
“Your phone is hacked. Download this Antivirus Software Now.
99% of android users have this app on their phone.
Your government is tracking your phone. Install this VPN.”
When you visit a website with mousetraps, you will en
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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