Moving from Omnifocus to Reminders

Let’s say you’re like me, an avid Omnifocus user, but you’ve been hearing great things about Reminders on MacOS/iOS/iPadOS, and you want to give it a shot.  Well, here’s an AppleScript that will move everything over for you. It won’t delete anything out of Omnifocus, so nothing will get messed up, but, it will take your existing projects and move them over as separate lists, then move the tasks over, preserving flagged, priorities, and the notes in each task (to’s limitations).
1. It can’t move nested (subtasks) tasks from Omnifocus over, this is a very tricky problem to solve, and it’s beyond my AppleScripting skills to access the subtasks and move them over properly.  
2. I wanted to implement “tags” from Omnifocus over to the “tags” feature in Reminders, however Apple doesn’t have “tags” as a Reminders dictionary item in AppleScript.
Other than that, this works fine:



property defaultList : “Inbox”

tell application “OmniFocus”


tell front document of application “OmniFocus”

set theProjects to flattened projects — Gets all projects, ignoring folders

repeat with aProject in theProjects

set projectName to name of aProject

set projectStatus to completed of aProject

— Process only if the project is not completed

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