New Chameleon Android Trojan Can Bypass Biometric Security


A brand new variant of the Chameleon Android malware has been discovered in the wild, featuring new characteristics, the most notable of which is the ability to bypass fingerprint locks.

The Chameleon Android banking malware first appeared in early 2023, primarily targeting mobile banking apps in Australia and Poland, but it has since propagated to other countries, including the UK and Italy. The trojan employs multiple loggers but has limited functionality. 

Earlier versions of Chameleon could perform actions on the victim’s behalf, allowing those behind the malware to carry out account and device takeover attacks. Chameleon has usually leveraged the Android Accessibility Service to extract sensitive data from endpoints and mount overlay attacks, ThreatFabric researchers explained.

The updated version, on the other hand, has two new features: the ability to circumvent biometric prompts and the ability to display an HTML page to allow accessibility service in devices that use Android 13’s “Restricted Settings” feature. According to the researchers, the new Chameleon variant’s complexity

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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