New Coalition to Take Down Online Scams, Led by Google


As cybercrime continues to cost the world economy billions annually, a robust new coalition launched by Google, the DNS Research Federation, and the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) is working to disrupt online scammers at a global level. By all accounts, this partnership constitutes a “game changer.” The United Coalition focuses on revealing and thwarting fraudulent activity online.

Online Scam Fighting via the Global Signal Exchange

The coalition will be launching a data platform called Global Signal Exchange, which will 24/7 scan open cyberspaces for signs of fraudulent activity and issue alerts. For a platform, it will leverage the DNS Research Federation’s an aggregation platform that consolidates feeds from over 100 sources to spot potential scams. Google enhances these efforts while providing relevant feeds from that should provide an even more comprehensive view of online fraud as it begins to take shape.

A Growing Threat in the Digital Age

Some scams are becoming almost too clever nowadays, to the extent that an estimated $8.6 billion is lost worldwide due to such scams each year, with few cases going to convictions. In the UK alone, each person is targeted nearly 240 times a year by a scammer via emails or texts from fake legitimate businesses or offices asking them for personal information, such as bank or credit card details.

Britain estimates the average loss per person due to scams is £1,169. Overall, 11% of adults admit that they hav

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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