New FakeUpdate Cyber Campaign Spreads Updated WarmCookie Backdoor in France

A new wave of cyberattacks is targeting users in France, exploiting fake browser and software update prompts to spread an updated version of the WarmCookie backdoor. The campaign, dubbed “FakeUpdate,” has been linked to the SocGolish threat group, known for using compromised or fake websites to display deceptive update messages for popular applications like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Java. 
When users fall for these fake update alerts and click on them, malicious software is installed on their systems instead of a legitimate update. This payload includes tools like info-stealers, remote access trojans (RATs), cryptocurrency drainers, and ransomware.

According to researchers from Gen Threat Labs, the WarmCookie backdoor being distributed in this campaign is more advanced than its previous versions. 

Initially discovered by cybersecurity firm eSentire in 2023, WarmCookie is designed to steal data, capture screenshots, run arbitrary commands, and drop additional malicious files. In this latest campaign, it has been updated with new features, such as the ability to run DLLs from a system’s temporary folder and execute PowerShell and EXE files.

The infection chain begins when users click on fake update prompts that closely mimic legitimate update notifications. 

Once clicked, a JavaScript file triggers the download of the WarmCookie installer, which bypasses security checks and installs the b

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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