New Hacking Method: Akami DNS Data Exfiltration


When it comes to cybercrime, getting into a system is only half the battle; the real challenge is extracting the stolen data without being detected. Companies often focus on preventing unauthorised access, but they must also ensure that data doesn’t slip out undetected. Hackers, driven by profit, constantly innovate methods to exfiltrate data from corporate networks, making it essential for businesses to understand and defend against these techniques.

The Challenge of Data Exfiltration

Once hackers breach a network, they need to smuggle data out without triggering alarms. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are crucial in this fight. They monitor network traffic and system activities for suspicious patterns that may indicate unauthorised data extraction attempts. IDS can trigger alerts or even automatically block suspicious traffic to prevent data loss. To avoid detection, hackers use obfuscation techniques to disguise their actions. This can involve encrypting data or embedding it within harmless-looking traffic, making it difficult for IDS to identify and block the exfiltration attempts.

Reality vs. Hollywood

In Hollywood movies like “Mission Impossible,” data theft is often depicted as a physical heist involving stealth and daring. In reality, hackers prefer remote methods to avoid detection and the risk of getting caught. By exploiting vulnerabilities in web servers, hackers can gain access to a network and search for valuable data. Once they find it, the challenge becomes how t

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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