New MOTW Bypass Method Introduced by LockBit


Despite being on the winning side of the race, LockBit operators continue to exfiltrate data from high-profile organizations and add the names of those organizations to its leak site. It’s well known that the tactics and techniques employed by the gang are one of the significant factors contributing to the murders of innocent individuals. In the context of evasion tradecrafts, researchers have come across one such technique. 
When a .img container is used to deliver an image, the protection mechanism used by the Mark of the Web (MOTW) has been bypassed. As a result, it is possible to bypass traditional signature-based detection by deploying scripts that extract a password-protected executable from a compressed archive that can only be unpacked when a specific password is provided. 
Revolutionary Techniques: What are They? 
In a campaign conducted between December and January of this year, Fortinet researchers observed that LockBit operators were using evasion techniques to conceal their identities.
  • An image file mounted as part of the attack campaign contains malware files, one of which is visible to the user and the others are hidden. Therefore, attackers can evade MOTW’s protection mechanism by sending the attack through a .img fi

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    This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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