It's amazing to see how attackers reuse and combine known techniques to target their victims with new campaigns! Last week, I spotted some malicious MSIX packages on VT that drop a NetSupport[1] client preconfigured to phone home to an attacker's controlled manager. Remote support tools are really “cool” for attackers because they provide a perfect way to communicate with infected computers without the need to develop their own C2 infrastructure and protocol! If some are popular and often searched as evidence of compromise, like AnyDesk or TeamViewer), there are others, like NetSupport, that tend to remain below the radar. This one is available for free for 30 days (more than enough to launch a campaign) and provides all the expected features to interact with victims:
New NetSupport Campaign Delivered Through MSIX Packages, (Mon, Jun 17th)
This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green