New Office of the CISO Paper: Organizing Security for Digital Transformation

So some of you are thinking “ewwww … another security transformation paper” and this is understandable. A lot of people (and now … a lot of robots too) have written vague, hand-wavy “leadership” papers on how to transform security, include security into digital transformation or move to the cloud (now with GenAI!) the “right” way, while reaping all the benefits and suffering none of the costs. Because tote leadership!

This is not one of those, promise! Why not? Because our new paper helps answer two real — and really hard — questions:

#1 Based on the experience of others, what does a “modern” or transformed organization’s security capability look like?

#2 Given what you have today, how to transition from whatever you have to what we discussed in #1 above?

I bet you’d agree that this is really tricky. Hence our paper!

Let’s start with my favorite insights and surprises below (and, yes, Gemini via Gems had a “hand” in this, curation though is very human):

  • The Primacy of Organizational Transformation: The guide emphasizes that digital transformation is not solely — or even largely — about technology adoption, but fundamentally about transforming the organization, its operations, its team structure and its culture. This may surprise security leaders from traditional organizations who might primarily focus on technical solutions and “let’s just get new tools!”
  • The OOT (Organization, Operations, Technology) Approach: The guide advocates for prioritizing organizational and operational changes before finalizing technology decisions. This may challenge the conventional approach in traditional organizations where technology choices often precede organizational adaptation.
Roadmap of how “classic” teams fuse into modern ones

Read the original article:

New Office of the CISO Paper: Organizing Security for Digital Transformation