New Online Scam: Fraudsters Pose as Police Officers to Extort Money

Cyber fraudsters have developed a new method to deceive unsuspecting individuals by posing as police officers and claiming that a relative has been arrested in a narcotics case. They demand a bribe to drop the charges, preying on the victims’ fear and urgency to help their loved ones.

This tactic is a variation of the well-known courier scam, where fraudsters call individuals, claiming that a package in their name containing narcotics was intercepted by customs officials. They then demand money to resolve the issue. The new approach involves impersonating police officers and alleging that a family member has been detained for drug-related offences.

Recent Incidents Highlight the Threat

Several cases of this scam have been reported recently. On Wednesday, the North Division Cyber Crime Police registered a case against an unidentified person who, posing as a Delhi police officer, extorted ₹7,000 from a private firm employee named Srinivas Nageshwara Rao. The fraudster claimed Rao’s daughter was arrested for drug consumption and was being taken to Delhi. The scammer promised to drop the charges if Rao paid ₹15,000. Rao transferred ₹7,000 online but later grew suspicious and confirmed with his daughter that she was safe at college.

Another victim, an 18-year-old student, was swindled out of ₹65,000. The fraudster, posing as a police officer, told her that her father had been arrested for drug peddling and demanded money to release him and drop the charges. The student transferred the money but later realised she had been scammed.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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