New Two-Step Phishing Attack Exploits Microsoft Visio and SharePoint


A novel two-step phishing strategy is targeting Microsoft Visio files (.vsdx) and SharePoint, signaling a new trend in cyber deception, according to experts. Researchers at Perception Point have noted a significant rise in attacks leveraging these previously uncommon .vsdx files.
These files act as delivery tools, directing victims to phishing pages that replicate Microsoft 365 login portals, aiming to steal user credentials.
The two-step phishing attacks employ layered techniques to evade detection. Rather than delivering harmful content directly, these campaigns use trusted platforms like Microsoft SharePoint to host files that appear legitimate. Attackers embed URLs within Visio files, which redirect victims to malicious websites when clicked, bypassing traditional email security systems.
Microsoft Visio, a popular tool for professional diagram creation, has now become a phishing vector. Cybercriminals send emails with Visio files from compromised accounts, often mimicking urgent business communications such as proposals or purchase orders. This tactic encourages recipients to act quickly, increasing the likelihood of success.
Since the emails come from stolen accounts, they often pass authentication checks and evade recipient security filters. In some cases, attackers include .eml files within the emails, embedding additional malicious URL

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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