When you browse the web on a regular basis, it can be quite dangerous, but it becomes even more dangerous when you access certain types of sites. It should come as no surprise that porn, streaming, and video hosting websites top the list of services posing the greatest risk to users’ privacy and security.
Malware attacks, invasive ads, and heavy web tracking were among the threats. That is the exclusive data gathered by NordVPN, one of the best VPN services available. In December 2022 alone, the VPN provider was able to block over 344 million web trackers, 341 million intrusive ads, and 506,000 malware infections thanks to its Threat Protection tool.
“The online world is challenging people in every single move they make,” said NordVPN cybersecurity advisor Adrianus Warmenhoven.
“Want to read an article? Dozens of ads and pop-ups are ready to immediately cover your screen. Another privacy threat – malware – is lurking for you on websites and in files you are about to download. Websites you browse are also full of third-party trackers that analyze your browsing history to find out what you do online. It depends on you to stop it.”
NordVPN researchers wanted to know how these cyber threats were getting to users. They did this by analysing aggregated data collected by their Threat Protection system. While this did not include any personally identifiable information about user
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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