North Korean Hackers Attacking Crypto Industry, Billions at Risk

North Korean Hackers Attacking Crypto Industry, Billions at Risk

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recently highlighted a significant cybersecurity threat posed by North Korean cybercriminals targeting the web3 and cryptocurrency sectors. 

Why Hackers Target ETFs?

The cryptocurrency industry has witnessed tremendous growth, Ether and Bitcoin are game changers. The rise has led to financial instruments like ETFs (Exchange-traded funds) that allow investors access without owning them directly. But, with the increase of crypto technologies, security questions have also surfaced. 

The United States FBI recently warned about a major cybersecurity threat from North Korean hackers targeting cryptocurrency and web3 sectors. Billions of dollars go into these crypto ETFs, but investors shouldn’t be hasty to think their assets are secure. 

Lazarus Behind Attacks

Lazarus (a North Korean state-sponsored group) is no stranger to the cryptocurrency market and is allegedly responsible for various attacks against famous exchanges and blockchain protocols. Officials are concerned about hack

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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