North Korean Hackers Exploit ZIP Files in Sophisticated Cyber Attacks


State-sponsored hacking group APT37 (ScarCruft) is deploying advanced cyber-espionage tactics to infiltrate systems using malicious ZIP files containing LNK shortcuts. These files are typically disguised as documents related to North Korean affairs or trade agreements and are spread through phishing emails.
Once opened, the attack unfolds in multiple stages, leveraging PowerShell scripts and batch files to install the RokRat remote access Trojan (RAT) as the final payload.
The infection starts with carefully crafted phishing emails, often using real information from legitimate websites to enhance credibility. These emails contain malicious ZIP attachments housing LNK files. When executed, the LNK file verifies its directory path, relocating itself to %temp% if necessary.
It then extracts multiple components, including:
-A decoy HWPX document
-A batch script (shark.bat)
Additional payloads like caption.dat and elephant.dat
The shark.bat script executes PowerShell commands discreetly, launching the elephant.dat script, which decrypts caption.dat using an XOR key. The decrypted content is then executed in memory, ultimately deploying RokRat RAT.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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