Northern European Criminals Copy the Lockbit Gang


The threat group, known as LockBit, is one of the most notorious ransomware groups operating currently. As a result, they have become very active on dark web forums. In addition, they are exploiting the negative publicity created by other ransomware groups to recruit more hardened cybercriminals for their agenda. 
The rate at which ransomware attacks have targeted companies in northern Europe has increased significantly. It appears that these attacks are being conducted using a device known as the LockBit locker. This is believed to be one of the tools used by a criminal affiliation program dubbed Gangrel. 
There is a wide range of industries that have been targeted by the LockBit group. It has caused significant disruptions and financial losses for a wide range of companies, from small to multinational. 
As a result of the nature of these new attacks, one of the most concerning characteristics is how they are being undertaken. A company’s network is at risk from the LockBit Locker group. This group exploits a variety of advanced security techniques to gain initial access to the network through phishing and social engineering, among others. Having gained access to a network, attackers use a wide variety of tools and techniques to reach various parts of the network and steal sensitive information. These include sensitive system inform

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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