Online Tracking: What Do You Need to Know?


You can leave a record of whatever you click on the Internet whenever you browse the Internet, as well as any websites you visit. The majority of websites use small pieces of data known as cookies to track information about your visit to their website. Aside from cookies, many websites also use user accounts to monitor visitors’ activity while browsing the web. There is no serious risk to your online security from this type of browser tracking. However, it is imperative to understand how your online data is being processed and tracked since it is being monitored in the first place. 
A small shift has been observed in recent years in favor of consumer privacy. Many tech giants received substantial fines because they used trackers in an invasive or incorrect way that violated consumer privacy. For example, Google settled charges that in the past year, it misled users into  thinking they had turned off location tracking, as a result of which it paid out a $391.5 million settlement. 
Despite this, the company continues to collect information about its customers.  Even though there have been some high-profile finger-wagging at tech companies for disregarding users’ privacy, brands and advertisers are still mostly free to use tracking software to track our online actions without much resistance on the part of consumers. 
As a result, it is unlikely that this situation

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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