OpenAI, the Maker of ChatGPT, Does not intend to Leave the European Market


According to the sources, the CEO of OpenAI, manager of ChatGPT, and creator of artificial intelligence technology, Sam Altman, in the past, has publicly favored regulations on AI technology development. However, more recently, he has indicated that he opposes overregulation of this technology. Reports indicate that Altman, who led Microsoft’s AI research initiative, has stated that his company may leave the European Union (EU) if it can not comply with the EU rules. There has been a sudden change of heart by the top executive about his threat to leave the region in the recent past. 
In a conversation on Friday, Altman retracted a statement saying that the company might leave Europe if pending laws concerning artificial intelligence make it too difficult to comply with them. This is in response to a threat earlier in the week that OpenAI might leave the region. 
Currently, the European Union is working on the first global set of rules governing artificial intelligence. Altman on Wednesday dubbed the current draft of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act over-regulatory and “over-regulated.” 
In terms of regulating artificial intelligence globally to ensure a set of rules is established, the European Union is well on its way.
Furthermore, this action by the EU is in tandem with the advocacy of Op

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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