Operational Thoughts in Trying Times

Read the original article: Operational Thoughts in Trying Times

This post is as much as a reminder to myself of where I should focus on the
multiple jobs I have and also share with the community are large what I
consider important and key in this trying times.

Last year a dinner I had a very nice conversation with my friend Ed Skoudis
on security consultancies and how many operated. This conversation covered
many aspects from markets, politics, engagement best practices, retention
of employees, and knowledge collection. Later at the end of the year, I had
a good brainstorming session with Andrew Thompson via DMs on how recessions
and the cyclical up and down of markets may change security consultancies
where those that can adapt the faster, have worked to provide the greatest
diverse value and have planned ahead for the changes will be the ones to
dominate when the market is down. The initial seed for these conversations
came from multiple videos from Gary Vee. I think with what is currently
happening with COVID19 pandemic I would like to share my options on this.

Half of my career in infosec has been as a lead or a manager leading groups
from 2 all the way to 24 in multiple projects. I had the luck to be in
organizations that during some time periods I had some of the best upper
managers, in my opinion, I could ever wish for. Under them, I saw companies
grow exponentially and produce some of the best resources I have ever
worked with. I now from time to time advise startups as part of my work for
an incubator and I would like to share some of the advice I give based on
the experience I have so far.

Read the original article: Operational Thoughts in Trying Times