Overcoming 5 Challenges to Shifting AppSec Left

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone

Digital transformation and the speed at which applications are developed and deployed is moving at a rapid pace. Businesses have always competed to see who can be the first to respond to customer needs, mainly in hopes of capturing some of a competitor’s market share. DevOps and the cloud have enabled software development to move from the annual updates of yesteryear to shipping releases daily to what we now call continuous delivery (CD). 

Unfortunately, the security industry has fallen behind in its ability to keep pace with modern developer teams in many ways. It may be more accurate to say security was left behind. As developers assumed ownership of applications through development and operations, security was left in a silo — a gatekeeper expected to review code, find vulnerabilities, and send the results back to the developer team for remediation.

Read the original article: Overcoming 5 Challenges to Shifting AppSec Left