Hacker Cracks Toyota Customer Search Tool

Flaw in Toyota’s C360 customer relationship management tool exposed personal data of unknown number of customers in Mexico, a disclosure says. This article has been indexed from Dark Reading Read the original article: Hacker Cracks Toyota Customer Search Tool

EFF Comments to NTIA on Privacy and Civil Rights

EFF recently submitted comments to the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on “Privacy, Equity, and Civil Rights”. NTIA is a unit of the U.S. Department of Commerce that advises the President on information policy. NTIA is writing a…

OWASP Kubernetes Top 10

One of the biggest concerns when using Kubernetes is whether we are complying with the security posture and taking into account all possible threats. For this reason, OWASP has created the OWASP Kubernetes Top 10, which helps identify the most…