Passkeys: A Modern Solution For All Your Password Troubles


We all use far too many passwords, and they’re probably not all that secure. Passkeys are the next development in password technology and are intended to replace passwords with a more secure approach. 

Password troubles 

For a very long time, we have used usernames and passwords to sign in to websites, apps, and gadgets. 

A serious issue with passwords is that nearly entirely their creators are to fault. You must remember the password, thus it’s easy to fall into the trap of using real words or phrases. It’s also fairly typical to use the same password across several websites and apps in favour of having unique passwords for each one. 

Although it is obviously not very safe, many individuals continue to use passwords like their birthdate or the name of their pet. If they are successful, they can attempt it in every other place you use the same password. Usin

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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