Phishing And The Threats of QR Codes


Cybercriminals have always been adept at abusing the latest technological developments in their attacks, and weaponizing QR codes is one of their most recent strategies. QR codes have grown in popularity as a method for digital information sharing due to their ease of use and functionality. 

However, their widespread use has created a new channel for phishing attempts, namely QR code phishing (or quishing). With the NCSC recently warning of an increase in these attacks, businesses must grasp how QR codes can be used to compromise staff and what they can do to effectively protect against these rising threats. 

Leaders at risk from QR code attacks 

Quishing attacks, like traditional phishing campaigns, typically attempt to steal credentials by social engineering, in which an email is sent from a supposedly trusted source and uses urgent language to persuade the target to perform a specific action. 

In a quishing attack, the target is frequently induced to sca

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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