Privacy Perils: Experts Warn of Pitfalls in Sharing Pregnancy Photos Online


Taking pregnancy pictures online can even lead to the creation of a digital identity for your child that could be exploited, according to data scientists. When a child appears online, experts say it puts them at risk of identity theft or distribution of images to third parties once they appear online. 
In addition, they say parents should consider what their children share online because this contributes to their child’s development as a digital individual.

Children are exposed to identity theft, as well as the distribution of images to third parties as soon as they appear online, according to experts who claim they have a digital identity once they appear online.

According to a new study published in Paediatrics and Parenting, parents often think sharing pictures on social media sites is safe, but this may not always be the case, according to the study.

As the experts pointed out, parents should consider the content they share with their children on social media, as this contributes to the development of a digital identity in them as a child. 

Dr Valeska Berg, from Edith Cowan University, in Australia, says that many parents do not realize the importance of building a digital identity for their children when they share photos and other identifying information on social media sites such as Facebook.

Their posts about being pregnant or anticipating the birth of their child often include

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