Prosecutors Review Broward Administrators’ Action Over the Data Breach

Broward prosecutors are investigating whether the former Schools Superintendent, Robert Runcie, and two other administrators have infringed any law when they used highly guarded information about a district ransomware attack in a private business pitch. 

While the district did not share details of the ransomware attack with the public, by involving an outside PR firm to help dodge questions and evade to include internal investigation details in writings. 

Runcie and former administrators Brian Katz and Philip Dunn, on the other hand, revealed numerous previously concealed details regarding the ransomware attack in September 2021 “case study” for Safer School Solutions, which is a Fort Lauderdale company owned by Katz and Dunn. 

The report included details of how the ransomware attack hindered the operation of 2,000 servers; how the district prioritized keeping the schools open over looking after the breach; and how law enforcement asked the district to offer a ransom, but not pay it to the hackers. The report also involved the district’s response to the Parkland shooting and the pandemic. 

A few months later, an education group led by Runcie granted the company a $1 million contract to offer security services to six school districts, none of which were in Florida. 

Runcie, who resigned from his position as superintendent in August 2021, is currently facing accusations of perjury in a different case. He has been cha

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