Quantum Computers Threaten to Breach Online Security in Minutes


A perfect quantum computer could decrypt RSA-2048, our current strongest encryption, in 10 seconds. Quantum computing employs the principle of quantum physics to process information using quantum bits (qubits) rather than standard computer bits. Qubits can represent both states at the same time, unlike traditional computers, which employ bits that are either 0 or 1. This capacity makes quantum computers extremely effective in solving complicated problems, particularly in cryptography, artificial intelligence, and materials research. 

While this computational leap opens up incredible opportunities across businesses, it also raises serious security concerns. When quantum computers achieve their full capacity, they will be able to break through standard encryption methods used to safeguard our most sensitive data. While the timescale for commercial availability of fully working quantum computers is still uncertain, projections vary widely.

The Boston Consulting Group predicts a significant quantum advantage between 2030 and 2040, although Gartner believes that developments in quantum computing could begin to undermine present encryption approaches as early as 2029, with complete vulnerability by 2034. Regardless of the precise timetable, the conclusion is unan

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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