Quantum Navigation as the Successor to GPS


The cause of the recent flight cancellations by Finnair planes flying into Estonia did not have anything to do with mechanical failures or bad weather the cause was the GPS signal not being received by the aircraft.

To prevent GPS denial, an aircraft deliberately interferes with the navigation signals that it relies on as part of its navigation. 

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has been providing maps of areas where GPS is unavailable or unreliable for a long time, and this is not a new phenomenon. Although GPS jamming and spoofing are becoming increasingly powerful weapons of economic and strategic influence around Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, there is growing concern as conflict spreads quickly across these regions.
In some conflict zones, it has been documented that adversarial nations have used false (spoofed) GPS signals to disrupt air transit, shipping, trade, or military logistics and disrupt the daily activities of the nation. There have also been recent talks about anti-satellite weapons, and these discussions have rekindled fears that deliberate actions may be planned to disrupt GPS systems to wreak havoc on the economy. So many aspects of people’s lives cannot function without GPS, and they do not even think about it when they do not have it. 
In case of a GPS outage, many online services will not function properly (these rely on GPS-based network synchronization

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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