Quid Pro Quo Attacks: Cyber Threat to Watch Out For


A threatening message appears out of nowhere. You owe money, or a loved one is in jeopardy, according to the sender’s unknown claims. They threaten consequences unless you cough up the cash or disclose personal information.

To say the least, it’s unsettling. These “quid pro quo” attacks appear to be on the rise as well. But what is a quid pro quo attack, and how can you avoid one? 

Explaining the Quid Pro Quo attack 

The Latin phrase “quid pro quo” alludes to a value exchange–receiving something in exchange for something else. A quid pro quo strategy has several forms in the context of attacks or scams:

Extortion: It occurs when an attacker gains access to or claims to have sensitive personal data such as images, messages, or browser history. They threaten to make the information public unless the victim pays a ransom. 
This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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Quid Pro Quo Attacks: Cyber Threat to Watch Out For