QWIXXRAT: A Fresh Windows RAT Emerges in the Threat Landscape


In early August 2023, the Uptycs Threat Research team uncovered the presence of a newly identified threat, the QwixxRAT, also referred to as the Telegram RAT. This malicious software was being promoted and distributed via platforms such as Telegram and Discord.
The QwixxRAT operates as a remote access trojan, capable of surreptitiously gathering sensitive information from targeted systems.
This ill-gotten data is then surreptitiously transmitted to the attacker’s Telegram bot, granting them unauthorized access to the compromised user’s confidential details. The process is facilitated by the threat actors who can manipulate and oversee the RAT’s activities through the same Telegram bot.
“Once installed on the victim’s Windows platform machines, the RAT stealthily collects sensitive data, which is then sent to the attacker’s Telegram bot, providing them with unauthorized access to the victim’s sensitive information.”reads a new report published by security firm Uptycs.
“To avoid detection by antivirus software, the RAT employs command and control functionality through a Telegram bot. This allows the attacker to remotely control the RAT and manage its operations.” 
Experts have identified the QwixxRAT as a meticulously engineered threat, specifically

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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