In a significant crackdown on cybercrime, Rajasthan Police arrested 30 individuals involved in cyber fraud on Saturday, January 11, 2025. The arrests were the result of coordinated raids conducted across 40 locations in five police station areas in Jaipur. The accused, linked to eight separate gangs, are suspected of fraudulent activities amounting to ₹30 crore. Additionally, two minors connected to these cybercrime operations were also detained.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (Jaipur West), Amit Kumar, the arrested individuals were not only actively engaged in cyber fraud but were also training others in sophisticated techniques to deceive victims. The gangs employed various deceptive strategies, including impersonating monks and astrologers to exploit vulnerable individuals by offering rituals to solve personal problems.
A notable suspect, a 25-year-old from the Tonk district, had reportedly received specialized cybercrime training in Sri Lanka. This international connection highlights the organized and transnational nature of these criminal operations, reflecting a growing trend in cyber-enabled economic crimes.
‘Operation Cyber Shield’: A Targeted Response to Rising Cybercrime
Launched on January 2, 2025, the month-long ‘Operation Cyber Shield’ is a dedicated campaign aimed at combating the surge in cybercrime across Rajastha
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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