According to a report by Cyber Security Connect, the ransomware group has compromised Sony’s systems and says that since the company was not willing to fulfil its ransom demands, the stolen data has already been sold.
RansomedVC, in their dark web portal, states that “We have successfully compromised [sic] all of Sony systems. We wont ransom them! we will sell the data. due to Sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE[…]”WE ARE SELLING IT”.
However, since Sony has not yet confirmed the claims, it is possible that they are false, or at least overstated.
It appears that Sony is not overly concerned over the issue, given that the ransomware group has not shared any interesting information, despite the fact that it has provided some proof-of-hack data. Reportedly, there are images of a testbench information-filled PowerPoint presentation from Sony’s Quality Assurance Division, a screenshot of an internal login page, and several Java files.
Also, RansomedVC has shared a file tree of the data breach. It contains not more than 6,000 files, a small number indeed when compared with the sizable conglomerate data. The stolen data includes “build log files,” a wide range of Java resources, and HTML files, and
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