Criminal organisations are now employing a new strategy to ensure ransomware payouts: they skip the step of encrypting target companies’ systems and instead go straight to demanding the ransom payment for the company’s valuable data.
Malicious hackers are constantly looking for less-flashy but still effective ways to continue their ransomware attacks as law enforcement’s focus on the problem grows.
Typically, a ransomware attack begins with the installation of malware that encrypts files onto a company’s networks, followed by the appearance of a ransom note on each screen.
By concentrating only on data extortion, hackers can launch their attacks more quickly and without the need for encryption tools, which can occasionally go down in the middle of an attack.
According to Drew Schmitt, a principal threat analyst at GuidePoint Security, law enforcement is also more interested in looking into attacks that use encryption because
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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