A new partnership between satellite phone company Iridium and chip giant Qualcomm will bring satellite connectivity to premium Android smartphones later this year. It implies that handsets can communicate with passing satellites to send and receive messages even in areas with no mobile coverage.
Qualcomm chips are found in many Android-powered smartphones. Apple announced a satellite feature for the iPhone 14 in September 2022. The service is currently only available for sending and receiving basic text messages in an emergency.
Bullitt, a British smartphone maker, was the first to launch its own satellite service, beating Apple to the punch. It is also intended for emergency use and will initially be available in select areas.
Iridium was the first satellite phone system, launching its first satellite into orbit in 1997. In 2019, it completed a refresh of its 75-spacecraft network.
The satellites cover the entire globe and fly in low orbit, approximately 485 miles (780 kilometres) above the Earth, and groups of them can co
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