Royal Ransomware Gang adds BlackSuit Encryptor to their Arsenal

A new encryptor named BlackSuit is currently being tested by the notorious Royal ransomware gang. This encryptor bears striking resemblances to their customary encryption tool, suggesting it may be an evolved version or a closely related variant. 
In January 2023, the Royal ransomware gang emerged as the direct successor to the infamous Conti operation, which ceased its activities in June 2022. This private ransomware group consists of skilled pentesters and affiliates hailing from ‘Conti Team 1,’ as well as individuals recruited from various other ransomware gangs that target enterprises. 
Since its inception, Royal Ransomware has quickly gained notoriety as one of the most active and prolific operations, carrying out numerous high-profile attacks on enterprises.
Furthermore, starting from late April, there have been growing indications that the Royal ransomware operation has been contemplating a rebranding effort under a fresh identity. 
This notion gained significant momentum when the group encountered intensified scrutiny from law enforcement following their targeted attack on the City of Dallas, Texas.
Feeling the mounting pressure from authorities, the ransomware group has seemingly considered the necessity of adopting a new name, potentially as part of their strategy to evade detection and evade the repercussions of their illicit activities. 
In May, a distinc

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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