RSA (“RSAI”) Conference 2024 Powered by AI with AI on Top — AI Edition (Hey AI, Is This Enough AI?)
Where do we have “41,000 attendees, 650 speakers, 600 exhibitors and 400 members of the media” who all care about cyber security? Ha, an easy question: RSA Conference 2024, of course!
I started my post-RSA blog tradition in 2006 — most of the blogs of course didn’t age well (“NAC is cool?!? What Year is This!?!” — “Eh… that’s 2007, Anton!”)
Here is my latest (and here is our RSA 2024 recap podcast …).
First, remember my bias: SecOps, cloud security and now securing AI, some data security and some odds and ends. I may not be looking at your favorite security segment (hi AppSec!) as intently as I am looking at SIEM, SOC, D&R, various cloud things and securing AI too.
Themes on the rise:
- AI and GenAI: is there anything more obvious? Well, this is definitely the year where “AI” and “AI-powered” decorated every booth (they missed the bus last year). Many are annoyed by this, but I think this is a healthy sign of a use case discovery phase of GenAI for security. Many tool vendors summarize with GenAI, some explain, some vaguely “assist”, some try to generate playbooks or rules, and, yes, there is occasional magic too. We perhaps will see a lot more GenAI for report writing and yes, some for detection and remediation code creation (but carefully!). BTW, I think “AI-powered ML” is pushing it a bit…
- Still comparatively little of
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