Russian Disinformation Network Struggles to Survive Crackdown


The Russian disinformation network, known as Doppelgänger, is facing difficulties as it attempts to secure its operations in response to increased efforts to shut it down. According to a recent report by the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BayLfV), the network has been scrambling to protect its systems and data after its activities were exposed.

Doppelgänger’s Activities and Challenges

Doppelgänger has been active in spreading false information across Europe since at least May 2022. The network has created numerous fake social media accounts, fraudulent websites posing as reputable news sources, and its own fake news platforms. These activities have primarily targeted Germany, France, the United States, Ukraine, and Israel, aiming to mislead the public and spread disinformation.

BayLfV’s report indicates that Doppelgänger’s operators were forced to take immediate action to back up their systems and secure their operations after it was revealed that European hosting companies were unknowingly providing services to the network. The German agency monitored the network closely and discovered details about the working patterns of those involved, noting that they operated during Russian office hours and took breaks on Russian holidays.

Connections to Russia

Further investigation by BayLfV uncovered clear links between Doppelgänger and Russia. The network used Russian IP addresses and the Cyrillic alphabet in its operations, reinforcing its co

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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