Scaling Rust Adoption Through Training

Android 14 is the third major Android release with Rust support. We are already seeing a number of benefits:

These positive early results provided an enticing motivation to increase the speed and scope of Rust adoption. We hoped to accomplish this by investing heavily in training to expand from the early adopters.

Scaling up from Early Adopters

Early adopters are often willing to accept more risk to try out a new technology. They know there will be some inconveniences and a steep learning curve but are willing to learn, often on their own time.

Scaling up Rust adoption required moving beyond early adopters. For that we need to ensure a baseline level of comfort and productivity within a set period of time. An important part of our strategy for accomplishing this was training. Unfortunately, the type of training we wanted to provide simply didn’t exist. We made the decision to write and implement our own Rust training.

Training Engineers

Our goals for the training were to:

  • Quickly ramp up engineers: It is hard to take people away from their regular work for a long period of time, so we aimed to provide a solid foundation for using Rust in days, not weeks. We could not make anybody a Rust expert in so little time, but we could give people the tools and foundation needed to be productive while they continued to grow. The goal is to enable people to use Rust to be productive members of their teams. The time constraints meant we couldn’t teach people programming from scratch; we also decided not to teach macros or unsafe Rust in detail.
  • Make it engaging (and fun!): We wanted people to see a lot of Rust while also getting hands-on experience. Given the scope and time constraints mentioned above, the training was necessaril

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    This article has been indexed from Google Online Security Blog

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