Security Experts Downplay the Significance of the Chinese Quantum “Hack”


Security experts have recommended caution following a series of doom-laden reports in recent days claiming that Chinese researchers have cracked military-grade encryption via quantum computing technology.

The reports, which first appeared in the South China Morning Post last week, are based on a study published in a Chinese journal called Quantum Annealing Public Key Cryptographic Attack Algorithm Based on D-Wave Advantage. 

Shanghai University researchers employed a D-Wave Advantage quantum computer to study Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) algorithms, notably the Present, Gift-64, and Rectangle algorithms, which are fundamental to Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptography. 

AES-256 is regarded as a nearly unbreakable symmetric encryption method employed by banks, governments, and the military to safeguard data, prompting the research team to reportedly claim that their findings prove quantum poses a “real and substantial threat” to current encryption. 


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