Security Risks Discovered in Popular End-to-End Encrypted Cloud Storage Platforms


Recent cryptographic analysis by researchers at ETH Zurich has uncovered significant security vulnerabilities in five major end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) cloud storage platforms: Sync, pCloud, Icedrive, Seafile, and Tresorit. These platforms are collectively used by over 22 million people and are marketed as providing secure data storage. However, the study revealed that each of these platforms has exploitable flaws that could allow malicious actors to gain access to sensitive user data, manipulate files, or inject harmful data.

The research was conducted under the assumption that a malicious attacker could control a server with full ability to read, modify, and inject data. 

This is a plausible scenario in the case of sophisticated hackers or nation-state actors. The researchers found that while these platforms promise airtight security and privacy through their E2EE models, their real-world implementation may fall short of these claims.

Sync, for instance, exhibited critical vulnerabilities due to unauthenticated key material, which allows attackers to introduce their own encryption keys and compromise data. It was found that shared files could be decrypted, and passwords were inadvertently exposed to the server, compromising confidentiality. Attackers could also rename files, move them undetected, and inject folders into user storage.

pCloud’s flaws were similar, with attackers able to overwrite private keys, effectively forcing encryption using attacker-controlled keys. 

This, coupled with public keys that were un

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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