Shimano’s Cyber Siege: A Saga of Resistance Against Ransomware


Shimano Industries, a prominent Japanese multinational manufacturing company specializing in cycling components, fishing tackle, and rowing equipment, seems to have been hit by a massive data breach by the ransomware attacker LockBit, who has threatened to release confidential data, including information such as factory inspection results, lab tests and financial documents by 5 November if their demands are not met. 
The group stole 4.5 terabytes of sensitive company data. 

The company had previously been involved in the production of golf supplies until 2005 and snowboarding gear until 2008. Situated in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, the corporation operates with 32 consolidated and 11 unconsolidated subsidiaries. 

Its primary manufacturing facilities are strategically located in Kunshan (China), as well as in Malaysia and Singapore. 

LockBit is a major international cybercrime group that uses malware to breach global corporations’ security protocols and attempts to extort money in exchange. Its previous targets have included Royal Mail, with the British postal company’s international services severely disrupted in January 2023 due to the attack. 

American aeroplane and missiles manufacturer Boeing is the latest victim of the group, with the company officially confirming the attack yesterday. Another major brand hit recently

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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