Small Trade Businesses Urged to Strengthen Security After Total Tools Data Breach


Small trade businesses are on high alert following a significant data breach at Total Tools, a major Australian hardware retailer, which exposed sensitive information of over 38,000 customers. This breach compromised customer names, credit card details, email addresses, passwords, mobile numbers, and shipping addresses, making small trade businesses potential targets for secondary cyberattacks. 

The CEO of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA), Luke Achterstraat, emphasized the importance of heightened vigilance for businesses, especially those in the construction and trades sector, as they face increased risks of cyber threats.

Achterstraat urged all businesses with online hardware accounts to monitor for any unusual activity in the coming days and weeks. He stressed the importance of protecting sensitive data, finances, and client information from potential scams and fraud. COSBOA recommends businesses to immediately review their security protocols, change all passwords linked to Total Tools accounts, and enable two-factor authentication where possible to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. 

To further support small businesses, COSBOA is promoting the Cyber Wardens program, a free eLearning initiative funded by the Federal Government. This program is designed to help small businesses and their employees fortify their digital defenses against cyber threats, equipping them with the knowledge to identify and prevent cyberattacks. COSBOA has partnered with industry bodies such as the Master Bu

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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