Smart Meter Privacy Under Scrutiny as Warnings Reach Millions in UK


According to a campaign group that has criticized government net zero policies, smart meters may become the next step in “snooping” on household energy consumption.

Ministers are discussing the possibility of sharing household energy usage with third parties who can assist customers in finding cheaper energy deals and lower carbon tariffs from competitors. 

The European watchdog responsible for protecting personal data has been concerned that high-tech monitors that track households’ energy use are likely to pose a major privacy concern.

A recent report released by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) states that smart meters, which must be installed in every home in the UK by the year 2021, will be used not only to monitor energy consumption but also to track a great deal more data. 

According to the EDPS, “while the widespread rollout of smart meters will bring some substantial benefits, it will also provide us with the opportunity to collect huge amounts of personal information.”

Smart meters have been claimed to be a means of spying on homes by net zero campaigners. A privacy dispute has broken out in response to government proposals that will allow energy companies to harvest household smart meter data to promote net zero energy. 

In the UK, the Telegraph newspaper reports that the government is consulting on the idea of letting consumers share thei

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