Sony Launches Investigation After Hackers Threaten to Sell Stolen Data on Dark Web


It’s likely that you have seen the prominent headlines about the “Sony data breach 2023” and are wondering whether you are at risk or not. Sony, however, is likewise unaware of what is happening at the moment, but at least they have begun investigating it.

Sony has once again found itself in the crosshairs of a cyber attack, this time from the ruthless group known as ‘’ claiming to have successfully breached the tech giant’s networks. The gang has stated its aim to sell the stolen data on the black market. 

Earlier in the week boldly claimed that it had accessed “all Sony systems” and was ready to dump the stolen data because the company was supposedly “unwilling to pay” a ransom. The group went a step further, warning that if no purchasers materialised by Thursday, September 28, they may start publicising the stolen information. 

Despite the gravity of these allegations, it is critical to recognise that they remain unverified. However, did provide some evidence in the form of posted files (about 6,000 in total). This pales in comparison to the br

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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