GoTo, the parent company of LastPass, has disclosed that hackers recently broke into its systems and seized encrypted backups belonging to users. It claimed that in addition to LastPass user data, hackers managed to obtain data from its other enterprise products.
A data breach including the theft of source code and confidential technical information was announced by GoTo affiliate LastPass in August of last year. GoTo acknowledged being impacted by the attack in November, which was connected to an unidentified third-party cloud security vendor.
Paddy Srinivasan, chief executive of GoTo, revealed that the security breach was more severe than initially suspected and involved the loss of account usernames, salted and hashed passwords, a piece of the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) settings, along with some product settings and license data.
Despite the delay, GoTo did not offer any restoration assistance or guidance for the impacted consumers. According to GoTo, the company does not keep track of its client’s credit card or bank information or compile personal data like dates of birth, addresses, or Social Security numbers. Contrast that with the incident that affected its subsidiary, LastPass, in which hackers grabbed the contents of users’ encrypted password vaults along with their names, email addresses, phone numbers, and payment information.
This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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