Tag: Deeplinks

Saving the Internet in Europe: How EFF Works in Europe

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> This post is part one in a series of posts about EFF’s work in Europe. EFF’s mission is to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation…

Speaking Freely: Prasanth Sugathan

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Interviewer: David Greene This interview has been edited for length and clarity.* Prasanth Sugathan is Legal Director at Software Freedom Law Center, India. (SFLC.in). Prasanth is a…

EFF Speaks Out in Court for Citizen Journalists

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> No one gets to abuse copyright to shut down debate. Because of that, we at EFF represent Channel 781, a group of citizen journalists whose YouTube channel…

Introducing EFF’s New Video Series: Gate Crashing

The promise of the internet—at least in the early days—was that it would lower the barriers to entry for any number of careers. Traditionally, the spheres of novel writing, culture criticism, and journalism were populated by well-off straight white men,…

Speaking Freely: Tomiwa Ilori

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Interviewer: David Greene *This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Tomiwa Ilori is an expert researcher and a policy analyst with focus on digital technologies…

This Bill Could Put A Stop To Censorship By Lawsuit

For years now, deep-pocketed individuals and corporations have been turning to civil lawsuits to silence their opponents. These Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, or SLAPPs, aren’t designed to win on the merits, but rather to harass journalists, activists, and consumers…

“Why Is It So Expensive To Repair My Devices?”

Now, of course, we’ve all dropped a cell phone, picked it up, and realized that we’ve absolutely destroyed its screen. Right? Or is it just me…? Either way, you’ve probably seen how expensive it can be to repair a device,…

Tell Congress To Stop These Last-Minute Bills That Help Patent Trolls

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is set to use its limited time in the lame-duck session to vote on a bill that would make the patent…

EFF Is Ready for What’s Next | EFFector 36.14

Don’t be scared of your backlog of digital rights news, instead, check out EFF’s EFFector newsletter! It’s the one-stop-shop to keeping up with the latest in the fight for online freedoms. This time we cover our expectations and preparations for the next U.S. presidential administration, surveillance towers at…

The 2024 U.S. Election is Over. EFF is Ready for What’s Next.

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> The dust of the U.S. election is settling, and we want you to know that EFF is ready for whatever’s next. Our mission to ensure that technology serves you—rather than silencing,…

AI in Criminal Justice Is the Trend Attorneys Need to Know About

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our criminal justice system is one of the most worrying developments across policing and the courts, and EFF has been…

Judge’s Investigation Into Patent Troll Results In Criminal Referrals

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> In 2022, three companies with strange names and no clear business purpose beyond  patent litigation filed dozens of lawsuits in Delaware federal court, accusing businesses of all…

The Human Toll of ALPR Errors

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> This post was written by Gowri Nayar, an EFF legal intern. Imagine driving to get your nails done with your family and all of a sudden, you…

“Is My Phone Listening To Me?”

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> The short answer is no, probably not! But, with EFF’s new site, Digital Rights Bytes, we go in–depth on this question—and many others. Whether you’re just starting to…

The Frightening Stakes of this Halloween’s Net Neutrality Hearing

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> The future of the open internet is in danger this October 31st, not from ghosts and goblins, but from the broadband companies that control internet access in…

Triumphs, Trials, and Tangles From California’s 2024 Legislative Session

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> California’s 2024 legislative session has officially adjourned, and it’s time to reflect on the wins and losses that have shaped Californians’ digital rights landscape this year. EFF…

EU to Apple: “Let Users Choose Their Software”; Apple: “Nah”

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> This year, a far-reaching, complex new piece of legislation comes into effect in EU: the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which represents some of the most ambitious tech policy in European history.…

The Real Monsters of Street Level Surveillance

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Safe trick-or-treating this Halloween means being aware of the real monsters of street-level surveillance. You might not always see these menaces, but they are watching you. The…

Disability Rights Are Technology Rights

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> At EFF, our work always begins from the same place: technological self-determination. That’s the right to decide which technology you use, and how you use it. Technological…

In Appreciation of David Burnham

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> We at EFF have long recognized the threats posed by the unchecked technological prowess of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Since our founding in 1990, we have…

U.S. Border Surveillance Towers Have Always Been Broken

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> A new bombshell scoop from NBC News revealed an internal U.S. Border Patrol memo claiming that 30 percent of camera towers that compose the agency’s “Remote Video…

A Flourishing Internet Depends on Competition

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Antitrust law has long recognized that monopolies stifle innovation and gouge consumers on price. When it comes to Big Tech, harm to innovation—in the form of  “kill…

EFF and IFPTE Local 20 Attain Labor Contract

First-Ever, Three-Year Pact Protects Workers’ Pay, Benefits, Working Conditions, and More < div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> SAN FRANCISCO—Employees and management at the Electronic Frontier Foundation have achieved a first-ever labor contract, they…

Civil Rights Commission Pans Face Recognition Technology

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> In its recent report, Civil Rights Implications of Face Recognition Technology (FRT), the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights identified serious problems with the federal government’s use of…

New EFF Report Provides Guidance to Ensure Human Rights are Protected Amid Government Use of AI in Latin America

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”>                          Governments increasingly rely on algorithmic systems to support consequential assessments and determinations about people’s lives, from judging eligibility for social assistance to trying to predict crime and criminals. Latin America…

Should I Use My State’s Digital Driver’s License?

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> A digital mobile driver’s license (often called an mDL) is a version of your ID that you keep on your phone instead of in your pocket. In theory, it would work…

Podcast Episode Rerelease: So You Think You’re A Critical Thinker

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> This episode was first released in March 2023. With this year’s election just weeks away, concerns about disinformation and conspiracy theories are on the rise. We covered this issue in a…

New IPANDETEC Report Shows Panama’s ISPs Still Lag in Protecting User Data

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Telecom and internet service providers in Panama are entrusted with the personal data of millions of users, bearing a responsibility to not only protect users’ privacy but…

Election Security: When to Worry, When to Not

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> This post was written by EFF intern Nazil Ungan as an update to a 2020 Deeplinks post by Cindy Cohn. Everyone wants an election that is secure…

FTC Findings on Commercial Surveillance Can Lead to Better Alternatives

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> On September 19, the FTC published a staff report following a multi-year investigation of nine social media and video streaming companies. The report found a myriad of…

The X Corp. Shutdown in Brazil: What We Can Learn

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> The feud between X Corp. and Brazil’s Supreme Court continues to drag on: After a month-long standoff, X Corp. folded and complied with court orders to suspend several accounts, name a…

Germany Rushes to Expand Biometric Surveillance

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Germany is a leader in privacy and data protection, with many Germans being particularly sensitive to the processing of their personal data – owing to the country’s…

Digital Inclusion Week, Highlighting an EFA Members Digital Equity Work:

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> In honor of Digital Inclusion Week, Oct 7-11th 2024, it’s an honor to uplift one of our Electronic Frontier Alliance (EFA) members who is doing great work…

Join the Movement for Public Broadband in PDX

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Did you know the City of Portland, Oregon, already owns and operates a fiber-optic broadband network? It’s called IRNE (Integrated Regional Network Enterprise), and despite having it…

Vote for EFF’s ‘How to Fix the Internet’ Podcast in the Signal Awards!

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> We’re thrilled to announce that EFF’s “How to Fix the Internet” podcast is a finalist in the Signal Awards 3rd Annual Listener’s Choice competition. Now we need…

Vote for EFF’s ‘How to Fix the Internet’ podcast in the Signal Awards!

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> We’re thrilled to announce that EFF’s “How to Fix the Internet” podcast is a finalist in the Signal Awards 3rd Annual Listener’s Choice competition. Now we need…

How to Stop Advertisers From Tracking Your Teen Across the Internet

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> This post was written by EFF fellow Miranda McClellan. Teens between the ages of  13 and 17 are being tracked across the internet using identifiers known as Advertising IDs. When children…

EFF Awards Night: Celebrating Digital Rights Founders Advancing Free Speech and Access to Information Around the World

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Digital freedom and investigative reporting about technology have been at risk amid political and economic strife around the world. This year’s annual EFF Awards honored the achievements…

New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It.

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> You may have arrived at this post because you received an email with an attached PDF from a purported hacker who is demanding payment or else they…

FTC Report Confirms: Commercial Surveillance is Out of Control

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> A new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report confirms what EFF has been warning about for years: tech giants are widely harvesting and sharing your personal information to…

The UN General Assembly and the Fight Against the Cybercrime Treaty

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> Note on the update: The text has been revised to reflect the updated timeline for the UN General Assembly’s consideration of the convention, which is now expected at the end of…

Digital ID Isn’t for Everybody, and That’s Okay

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> How many times do you pull out your driver’s license a week? Maybe two to four times to purchase age restricted items, pick up prescriptions, or go…

Calls to Scrap Jordan’s Cybercrime Law Echo Calls to Reject Cybercrime Treaty

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> In a number of countries around the world, communities—and particularly those that are already vulnerable—are threatened by expansive cybercrime and surveillance legislation. One of those countries is…

EFF to Supreme Court: Strike Down Texas’ Unconstitutional Age Verification Law

New Tech Doesn’t Solve Old Problems With Age-Gating the Internet < div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, and TechFreedom urged the Supreme Court today…

Strong End-to-End Encryption Comes to Discord Calls

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> We’re happy to see that Discord will soon start offering a form of end-to-end encryption dubbed “DAVE” for its voice and video chats. This puts some of…

Canada’s Leaders Must Reject Overbroad Age Verification Bill

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Canadian lawmakers are considering a bill, S-210, that’s meant to benefit children, but would sacrifice the security, privacy, and free speech of all internet users. First introduced…

Human Rights Claims Against Cisco Can Move Forward (Again)

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Google and Amazon – You Should Take Note of Your Own Aiding and Abetting Risk  EFF has long pushed companies that provide powerful surveillance tools to governments…

Senate Vote Tomorrow Could Give Helping Hand To Patent Trolls

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> A patent on crowdfunding. A patent on tracking packages. A patent on photo contests. A patent on watching an ad online. A patent on computer bingo. A…

The New U.S. House Version of KOSA Doesn’t Fix Its Biggest Problems

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> An amended version of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) that is being considered this week in the U.S. House is still a dangerous online censorship bill…

KOSA’s Online Censorship Threatens Abortion Access

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> For those living in one of the 22 states where abortion is banned or heavily restricted, the internet can be a lifeline. It has essential information on…

The Climate Has a Posse – And So Does Political Satire

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Greenwashing is a well-worn strategy to try to convince the public that environmentally damaging activities aren’t so damaging after all. It can be very successful precisely because…

NextNav’s Callous Land-Grab to Privatize 900 MHz

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> The 900 MHz band, a frequency range serving as a commons for all, is now at risk due to NextNav’s brazen attempt to privatize this shared resource. …

Stopping the Harms of Automated Decision Making | EFFector 36.12

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> < div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Curious about the latest digital rights news? Well, you’re in luck! In our latest…

You Really Do Have Some Expectation of Privacy in Public

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Being out in the world advocating for privacy often means having to face a chorus of naysayers and nihilists. When we spend time fighting the expansion of…

U.S. Federal Employees: Plant Your Flag for Digital Freedoms Today!

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> Like clockwork, September is here—and so is the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) pledge period!   The CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual charity campaign for…

Americans Are Uncomfortable with Automated Decision-Making

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> Imagine a company you recently applied to work at used an artificial intelligence program to analyze your application to help expedite the review process. Does that creep you out? Well, you’re…

The French Detention: Why We’re Watching the Telegram Situation Closely

< div class=”field field–name-body field–type-text-with-summary field–label-hidden”> < div class=”field__items”> < div class=”field__item even”> EFF is closely monitoring the situation in France in which Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov was charged with having committed criminal offenses, most of them seemingly related to…