Tag: SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green

Geolocation and Starlink, (Tue, Jan 21st)

Until now, satellite internet access has been more of a niche solution for internet access. But with the wide availability of Starlink, this is changing. Starlink's performance and price are competitive for many rural users to forgo solutions like cellular…

Partial ZIP File Downloads, (Mon, Jan 20th)

Say you want a file that is inside a huge online ZIP file (several gigabytes large). Downloading the complete ZIP file would take too long. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original…

New tool: immutable.py, (Sat, Jan 18th)

When performing triage on a Linux system you suspect might be compromised, there are many aspects of the system that you may want to look at. In SANS FOR577, we talk about some existing tools and even writing your own…

Microsoft January 2025 Patch Tuesday, (Tue, Jan 14th)

This month's Microsoft patch update addresses a total of 209 vulnerabilities, including 12 classified as critical. Among these, 3 vulnerabilities have been actively exploited in the wild, and 5 have been disclosed prior to the patch release, marking them as…

Multi-OLE, (Sun, Jan 12th)

VBA macros and embedded files/objects are stored as OLE files inside OOXML files. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article: Multi-OLE, (Sun, Jan 12th)

Wireshark 4.4.3 Released, (Sat, Jan 11th)

Wireshark release 4.4.3 fixes 0 vulnerabilities and 8 bugs. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article: Wireshark 4.4.3 Released, (Sat, Jan 11th)

Windows Defender Chrome Extension Detection, (Fri, Jan 10th)

With the recent Cyberhaven Extension(2) attack, looking for specific Chrome extensions installed can be very helpful. If you are running Defender with enhanced vulnerability management, Defender automatically catalogs installed extensions by going to Vulnerability Management -> Inventories and selecting Browser…

Make Malware Happy, (Mon, Jan 6th)

When I teach FOR610[1], I like to use a funny quotation with my students: “Make malware happy!” What does it mean? Yes, we like malware, and we need to treat it in a friendly way. To help the malware work…

SwaetRAT Delivery Through Python, (Fri, Jan 3rd)

We entered a new year, but attack scenarios have not changed (yet). I found a Python script with an interesting behavior[1] and a low Virustotal score (7/61). It targets Microsoft Windows hosts because it starts by loading all libraries required…

Goodware Hash Sets, (Thu, Jan 2nd)

In the cybersecurity landscape, we all need hashes! A hash is the result of applying a special mathematical function (a “hash function”) that transforms an input (such as a file or a piece of text) into a fixed-size string or…

Phishing for Banking Information, (Fri, Dec 27th)

It is again the time of the year when scammers are asking to verify banking information, whether it is credit cards, bank card, package shipping information, winning money, etc. Last night I received a text message to verify a credit…

Compiling Decompyle++ For Windows, (Wed, Dec 25th)

Occasionaly I decompile Python code, with decompilers written in Python. Recently I discovered Decompyle++, a Python disassembler & decompiler written in C++. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article: Compiling Decompyle++…

More SSH Fun!, (Tue, Dec 24th)

A few days ago, I wrote a diary[1] about a link file that abused the ssh.exe tool present in modern versions of Microsoft Windows. At the end, I mentioned that I will hunt for more SSH-related files/scripts. Guess what? I…

Modiloader From Obfuscated Batch File, (Mon, Dec 23rd)

My last investigation is a file called “Albertsons_payment.GZ”, received via email. The file looks like an archive but is identified as a picture by TrID: This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original…

Christmas “Gift” Delivered Through SSH, (Fri, Dec 20th)

Christmas is at our doors and Attackers use the holiday season to deliver always more and more gifts into our mailboxes! I found this interesting file this morning: “christmas_slab.pdf.lnk”[1]. Link files (.lnk) are a classic way to execute something malicious…

Python Delivering AnyDesk Client as RAT, (Tue, Dec 17th)

RATs or “Remote Access Tools” are very popular these days. From an attacker&#x27s point of view, it&#x27s a great way to search and exfiltrate interesting data but also to pivot internally in the network. Besides malicious RATs, they are legit…

Microsoft Patch Tuesday: December 2024, (Tue, Dec 10th)

Microsoft today released patches for 71 vulnerabilities. 16 of these vulnerabilities are considered critical. One vulnerability (CVE-2024-49138) has already been exploited, and details were made public before today's patch release. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center,…

CURLing for Crypto on Honeypots, (Mon, Dec 9th)

I get a daily report from my honeypots for Cowrie activity [1], which includes telnet and SSH sessions attempted on the honyepot. One indicator I use to find sessions of interest is the number of commands run. Most of the…

[Guest Diary] Business Email Compromise, (Thu, Dec 5th)

[This is a Guest Diary by Chris Kobee, an ISC intern as part of the SANS.edu Bachelor's Degree in Applied Cybersecurity (BACS) program [1]. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article:…

Microsoft November 2024 Patch Tuesday, (Tue, Nov 12th)

This month, Microsoft is addressing a total of 83 vulnerabilities. Among these, 3 are classified as critical, 2 have been exploited in the wild, and another 2 have been disclosed prior to Patch Tuesday. Organizations are encouraged to prioritize these…

PDF Object Streams, (Mon, Nov 11th)

The first thing to do, when analyzing a potentially malicious PDF, is to look for the /Encrypt name as explained in diary entry Analyzing an Encrypted Phishing PDF. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green…

zipdump & PKZIP Records, (Sun, Nov 10th)

In yesterday's diary entry “zipdump & Evasive ZIP Concatenation” I showed how one can inspect the PKZIP records that make up a ZIP file. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article:…

zipdump & Evasive ZIP Concatenation, (Sat, Nov 9th)

On Friday's Stormcast, Johannes talks about Evasive ZIP Concatenation, a technique where 2 (or more) ZIP files are concatenated together to evade detection. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article: 

zipdump & PKZIP Records, (Sun, Nov 10th)

In yesterday's diary entry “zipdump & Evasive ZIP Concatenation” I showed how one can inspect the PKZIP records that make up a ZIP file. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article:…

zipdump & Evasive ZIP Concatenation, (Sat, Nov 9th)

On Friday's Stormcast, Johannes talks about Evasive ZIP Concatenation, a technique where 2 (or more) ZIP files are concatenated together to evade detection. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article: zipdump…

Steam Account Checker Poisoned with Infostealer, (Thu, Nov 7th)

I found an interesting script targeting Steam users. Steam[1] is a popular digital distribution platform for purchasing, downloading, and playing video games on personal computers. The script is called “steam-account-checker” and is available in Github[2]. Its description is: This article…

[Guest Diary] Insights from August Web Traffic Surge, (Wed, Nov 6th)

[This is a Guest Diary by Trevor Coleman, an ISC intern as part of the SANS.edu Bachelor's Degree in Applied Cybersecurity (BACS) program [1]. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article:…

Python RAT with a Nice Screensharing Feature, (Tue, Nov 5th)

While hunting, I found another interesting Python RAT in the wild. This is not brand new because the script was released two years ago[1]. The script I found is based on the same tool and still has a low VT score:…

Analyzing an Encrypted Phishing PDF, (Mon, Nov 4th)

Once in a while, I get a question about my pdf-parser.py tool, not able to decode strings and streams from a PDF document. This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green Read the original article: Analyzing…

qpdf: Extracting PDF Streams, (Sat, Nov 2nd)

In diary entry “Analyzing PDF Streams” I answer a question asked by a student of Xavier: “how can you export all streams of a PDF?”. I explained how to do this with my pdf-parser.py tool. This article has been indexed…

Scans for RDP Gateways, (Wed, Oct 30th)

RDP is one of the most prominent entry points into networks. Ransomware actors have taken down many large networks after initially entering via RDP. Credentials for RDP access are often traded by “initial access brokers”. This article has been indexed…

Apple Updates Everything, (Mon, Oct 28th)

Today, Apple released updates for all of its operating systems. These updates include new AI features. For iOS 18 users, the only upgrade path is iOS 18.1, which includes the AI features. Same for users of macOS 15 Sequoia. For…