Tag: Schneier on Security

5G Security

The security risks inherent in Chinese-made 5G networking equipment are easy to understand. Because the companies that make the equipment are subservient to the Chinese government, they could be forced to include backdoors in the hardware or software to give…

Artificial Personas and Public Discourse

Presidential-campaign season is officially, officially, upon us now, which means it’s time to confront the weird and insidious ways in which technology is warping politics. One of the biggest threats on the horizon: Artificial personas are coming, and they’re poised…

Police Surveillance Tools from Special Services Group

Special Services Group, a company that sells surveillance tools to the FBI, DEA, ICE, and other US government agencies, has had its secret sales brochure published. Motherboard received the brochure as part of a FOIA request to the Irvine Police…

USB Cable Kill Switch for Laptops

BusKill is designed to wipe your laptop (Linux only) if it is snatched from you in a public place: The idea is to connect the BusKill cable to your Linux laptop on one end, and to your belt, on the…

Mailbox Master Keys

Here’s a physical-world example of why master keys are a bad idea. It’s a video of two postal thieves using a master key to open apartment building mailboxes. Changing the master key for physical mailboxes is a logistical nightmare, which…

Chrome Extension Stealing Cryptocurrency Keys and Passwords

A malicious Chrome extension surreptitiously steals Ethereum keys and passwords: According to Denley, the extension is dangerous to users in two ways. First, any funds (ETH coins and ERC0-based tokens) managed directly inside the extension are at risk. Denley says…

Mysterious Drones Are Flying over Colorado

No one knows who they belong to. (Well, of course someone knows. And my guess is that it’s likely that we will know soon.)…   Advertise on IT Security News. Read the complete article: Mysterious Drones Are Flying over Colorado

Mysterious Drones are Flying over Colorado

No one knows who they belong to. (Well, of course someone knows. And my guess is that it’s likely that we will know soon.)…   Advertise on IT Security News. Read the complete article: Mysterious Drones are Flying over Colorado