In 2023, a ransomware operation by the name of Medusa began to gain momentum. It targets corporate targets globally and demands a million-dollar ransom.
Starting in June 2021, the Medusa operation saw just a small number of victims and a low level of activity. However, the ransomware gang ramped up its operations in 2023 and established a “Medusa Blog” that allowed victims who declined to pay a ransom to have their data released.
Last week, Medusa came under public scrutiny after claiming responsibility for an attack on the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) district and sharing a video of the data that was taken.
Will the genuine Medusa rise up?
Medusa is the name of several malware families, including the well-known MedusaLocker ransomware operation, an Android malware family, and a Mirai-based botnet with ransomware capabilities.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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