Telegram Emerges as Hub for Cybercrime, Phishing Attacks as Cheap as $230

Cybersecurity experts raise alarms as Telegram becomes a hotspot for cybercrime, fueling the rise of phishing attacks. This trend facilitates mass assaults at a shockingly low cost, highlighting the “democratization” of cyber threats.
In a recent development, cybersecurity researchers shed light on the democratization of the phishing landscape, courtesy of Telegram’s burgeoning role in cybercrime activities. 
This messaging platform has swiftly transformed into a haven for threat actors, offering an efficient and cost-effective infrastructure for orchestrating large-scale phishing campaigns.

Gone are the days when sophisticated cyber attacks required substantial resources. Now, malevolent actors can execute mass phishing endeavours for as little as $230, making cybercrime accessible to a wider pool of perpetrators. 

The affordability and accessibility of such tactics underscore the urgent need for heightened vigilance in the digital realm.

Recent revelations regarding Telegram’s involvement in cybercrime underscore a recurring issue with the platform’s lenient content moderation policies. Experts emphasize that Telegram’s history of lax moderation has fostered a breeding ground for various illicit activities, including the distribution of illegal content and cyber attacks. 

Criticism has been directed at Telegram in the past for its failure to effectively address issues such as misinformation, hate speech, and extremist content, high

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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