The Hacking Group ‘ModifiedElephant’ Remained Undetected

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CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents


SentinelLabs’ IT security researchers have discovered information of growing cyber-attacks (APT) wherein the threat actors have been targeting human rights activists, free speech advocates, professors, and lawyers in India using readily available trojans via spear-phishing since 2012. The group known as ModifiedElephant has been found to be planting ‘incriminating evidence’ on the devices of its targets. 
“The goal for ModifiedElephant is long-term espionage which sometimes ends with the transmission of evidence – files that implicate the victim in criminal offenses – prior to conveniently synchronized arrests,” stated Tom Hegel, a threat researcher at SentinelOne. According to the research, over the previous decade, ModifiedElephant hackers have been attacking their victims with spearphishing emails containing malicious file attachments, with their methods becoming more complex over time. 
Spearphishing is the technique of emailing victims that appear to come from a trustworthy source in order to either divulge sensitive information or install malware on their computers. ModifiedElephant usually uses infected Files to spread malware to its victims. The particular mechanism and content included in malicious files have varied over time, according to SentinelOne, the timeline has been given below: 
  • 2013 – An adversary sends malware via email attachments with phony double extensions (file.pdf.exe). 
  • 2015 – The group switches to encryption key RAR attachments including le

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